Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer

Trade Associations – Aise & Edana (Jun08 / Sep09)


P&G are members of numerous trade associations.  A couple of them asked me to speak at their annual conferences.

In June 2008,  AISE  – the European Soaps & Detergents Manufacturer’s trade association invited me to speak at their conference, which was being held near Dubrovnik in Croatia.  The feedback was that my presentation was ‘well appreciated’ and that ‘it was good to have some challenging views’ – my brief had been to be provocative!  See Blog for more.

In September 2009, I was invited by EDANA – the European Association for disposable hygiene products – to their event held in Malta.  My speech highlighted concerns about our disposable society, explained the public confusion over what is the greenest nappy option and looked at whether eco-labelling will help or hinder environmental improvements.

“With her somewhat challenging lateral thinking and, ‘out of the box’ approach, Julia Hailes has brought to our audience and our industry the useful element of destabilisation it needed to avoid too much complacency and closed-loop reflection…”

Pierre Wiertz, General Manager of EDANA,
Organiser of OUTLOOK 09 Personal Care Products conference  Sep09