Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Technology & Design

Julia Hailes

Let’s stop needing printers (Dec21)

The biggest problem with printers is that they’re not made to last. Good Business has published a great blog outlining the problem with these monstrously inefficient machines. I’m embarrassed at

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Eco-driving by Fiat (Dec10)

If everyone in Europe was an eco-driver we could apparently save the equivalent of the annual CO2 emissions from Portugal! According to Fiat, we’d also all be getting places faster.

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C Mobile Adisory Board (Jun10)

I’ve joined the newly formed Advisory Board of C-Mobile.  This company is launching a pay as you go mobile phone package in partnership with Orange.   It’s early days but they

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Printer Horrors (Oct08)

I’ve been having problems with my printer.   Actually, it’s been annoying me for quite some time. The gremlin inside it gets particularly difficult when I’m trying to print something off before

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