Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer

To burn or not to burn (Mar24)

Are fires the best way of getting rid of garden waste or clearing landscapes? I believe that the answer is generally ‘no’! But garden bonfires are ubiquitous and even conservation bodies are using burning as part of their land management plans – for example burning the brash from hedge-laying or trimming and site clearance of […]

Laughing gas in hospitals & dental practices should be banned (Oct21)

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas has a global warming impact that is about 300 times more than CO2 – and it depletes the ozone layer too.  The vast majority of it is used in agriculture and other industrial activities. However, that’s not the issue I’m tackling in this blog. This was inspired by […]

War on Waste – Not just plastics (Oct18)

I’ve now done multiple speeches about plastics and waste.  The more I do, the more committed I am to changing our wasteful, disposable society. We’ve adopted practices that are ridiculous in their wastefulness and think nothing of it.  Here are some examples: Online Shopping: I live in rural Dorset and do most of my shopping […]