Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer

Pura Vida Costa Rica (Apr22)

Having successfully navigated a rapid as we rafted away from Pacuare Lodge in Central Costa Rica, we put our oars together and joined our guide in a celebratory shout of ‘Pura Vida’. Literally the pure or natural life. Leaving the lodge, we started the trip in a relatively narrow gorge, the rocks on either side […]

Eco-Sheets – Using Recycled Plastics (Jan11)

In January 2011 I took my son Connor (far right in picture) to see the Eco Sheet factory.  Melinda Watson from the Raw Foundation came too (pictured far left) – and Amanda Barry-Hirst from Greenhouse PR.  Omer Kutluoglu, one of the founders showed us around.   They’re making brilliant use of recycled mixed plastics – turning them into […]

Save the rainforests (Jun07)

South American travels Cool Earth has really hit the news this week. So much so that when I went to look at their website it had crashed from too much interest. To me that’s really good news (the popularity of the site rather than the technical problems) because the main aim of Cool Earth is […]