Writing for the Financial Times (Jun12)

I’ve started writing for FT House & Home. My first article, co-written with Fiona Harvey in March 2011 was about Feed in Tariffs. The second piece, published in June 2011 was ‘Eco-technologies at home – Electric Green‘ And the most recent article published on Saturday 21st April 2012, was about eco-renovating my London flat ‘It’s Not Easy Being […]
Newcastle University MBA Sustainability Challenge (Jun11)
Procter & Gamble recommended me for the inaugural public lecture at Newcastle University’s Sustainable Business Week, where MBA Business students from Scotland and Northern took part in a competition. The central theme was about the role of consumers in greening business. The students had to respond to a question posed by P&G – ‘How can our company influence […]
Baby care products (Jun11)
I first got involved in the debate about disposable nappies vs re-usables in the early 1990s. The comparisons were being made in eco-labelling research and I was sitting on the UK Eco-Labelling Board. The over-whelming concern about disposables was the amount of waste they produce. Local authorities have teamed up with campaigning organisations to encourage […]
Eco-technologies at Home – Electric Green (Jun11)
This is a draft of article written for the FT – an edited edition was published in June 2011 – Eco Technologies at home – Electric Green. DRAFT ARTICLE Finding eco-technologies that have really good eco-credentials is harder than you might think. For example, I’m a bit cynical about bamboo mice for your computer and […]
Green Mobile Company Lives and Dies – C Mobile (Jun11)
C Mobile promised a greener approach to using your mobile phone. Their idea was to give a proportion of their profits to community renewable energy projects, to minimise waste, offer re-conditioned hand-sets and recycle phones wherever possible. Unfortunately they both launched and folded in 2010 and 2011 – they weren’t able to keep up with the big […]
Futerra Sustainability Communications (Jun11)
I went to give a presentation to the team at Futerra. It made me reflect on the early years of SustainAbility – the organisations are remarkably similar. And the most surprising similarity of all was that we both came up with the same core objectives. When we set up SustainAbility, in the late 1980s, John Elkington and I described these as […]
Project Dirt – Timberland Earthkeepers Competition (Jun11)
It’s the second year of the Timberland Earthkeepers competition for community projects – and I’ve been a judge both times. From bee-keeping to fruit growing, from river cleaning to local markets, the over-riding theme is that lots of people are involved on a voluntary basis. Project Dirt pull it all together but also work throughout the year […]
EDF Energy – Somerset Green Schools (Jun11)
There were five finalists in ¶EDF’s Somerset Green Schools Challenge. And prize money of £15,000 to be shared depending on what the judges considered to be the best project. Crispin School from Street were well deserved winners of £10,000 – they’d really thought about the issues and had them costed out too. Fellow ‘dragons’ or judges […]
P & G 4th Expert Baby Care Advisory Group (Jun11)
I’ve sat on P&G’s Expert Advisory Panel for Babycare since is started a few years ago. The fourth meeting was held in June in Geneva and had several new participants. Most interesting to me was the new focus of looking at nappies and baby care in developing countries. Also the innovations that are coming through. […]