Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer

Telegraph Articles and Blogs 2007-2009

I’ve written numerous articles and blogs for the Telegraph. In 2007 The New Green Consumer Guide was serialised in the Telegraph, starting with a feature article about me – Does your family pass the green test. Link not working Nov18

Radio 5 Live – Appeared on multiple programmes (Feb12)

I’ve been on a number of Radio 5 Live Programmes including: Anita Anand Show – as a panellist throughout the evening Richard Bacon Show talking about bottled water and plastic bags Kay Adams – talking about how to stop wasting food Steve Wright Show

Regional Radio Highlights, including Britain’s greenest school children (Feb12)

Regional radio highlights include: Radio Solent Somerset Sound:  Have been a regular guest Steve Rhodes Show for BBC 3 Counties Radio: talking about M&S decision to start charging for carrier bags Greenest school:  regional radio blitz to look for Britain’s greenest school children for think tank sponsored by British Gas Generation Green.