Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Setting up E For Good (Apr12)

Along with Melinda Watson from the Raw Foundation, I’ve set up E For Good. We’re the first
consumer-facing organisation targeting e-waste from an environmental life-cycle perspective.
Our aims are to reduce the amount of e-waste, promote repair and reuse and recycle the rest,
as efficiently as possible.

We’re working with Environcom, an e-waste company, who have been through a radical
transformation over the past 18 months, under the leadership of Sean Feeney. Sean has
helped us develop our ideas, provided us with some seed funding and is a non-executive
director of E For Good. We are collaborating in an exemplar on how e-waste should be
collected, reused and recycled.

In January, Corina Reay joined us as Campaigns Manager – she previously worked for Ecos
Trust. She has organised our Clear Out Electricals Week, which took place in Grantham and
Stamford from 12th to 18th March.

Other plans include:

  • Increasing collection of e-waste by setting up amny more facilities in public places, including schools and shopping centres.
  • Improving recycling systems of materials to maximise the environmental benefits.
  • Providing education materials and training to schools, colleges and universities.
  • Working with charity shops and retailers to facilitate collection and resale of used products.
  • Encouraging businesses to commit to a charter for responsible procurement and disposal.
  • Setting up an award scheme to promote innocation and exo-design for durability.
  • Working with local authorities to minimise tha amount of e-waste sent to landfill or exported.

There are four primary ways that E For Good will be ‘For Good’ by:

  • Promoting repair, reuse and ‘for hire’ in preference to brand new and ownership.
  • Cleaning up e-waste industries by championing ‘good practice’.
  • Giving money to charities and local communities.