Webinar speaking about plastics coming up – 2jul19
Organised by Positive Luxury, this webinar will be at 3pm on 2nd July. I’ll talking about what the real issues are with plastics and what we could and should be doing about it…. Come and join in.
I love electric bikes (Jun19)
Sailing through the countryside. Exploring hidden routes. Getting some much needed exercise… It’s wonderful. The strange thing is that when I say that I’ve taken up electric bikes, one of the most common reactions is for people to say that ‘it’s cheating’. It’s as if I was doing something ‘synthetic’ rather than ‘natural’ – […]
Positive Luxury Awards Feature about me (May19)
Here’s an interview I did for Positive Luxury Awards. Their tweet: As a newly appointed judge of our #PositiveLuxuryAwards2020, we took the opportunity to quiz @JuliaHailes on all things sustainability and find out what she really thinks about businesses and campaigning today. Read her interview. #positiveluxury
Speaking at Lyme Regis fossil festival (May19)
I had to walk right round the Marine Theatre in Lyme Regis before finding the entrance, on the first evening of events for the Fossil Festival. I was rather surprised by the number of people in the audience – it was almost full. I started my speech with a video of waves of plastic washing […]
I’m feeding my dog insects! (Apr19)
The brilliant thing about this is that it’s better for the planet – and apparently good nutritionally too. And, Rex loves them. The main insect ingredient comes from soldier fly grubs, which are reared in high tech vertical farms and fed on vegetable matter – and they grow to full size in just 14 days. […]
Let’s hope Catholic bishops become extinct in Kenya (Feb19)
I can’t believe the latest nonsense from the Catholic Church in Kenya. Bishop Kariuki is asking Christians to have more children. I don’t really get the rationale because it seems to be linked to a shortage of priests. I think the idea is that if Catholics have more off-spring, there will be more support for the church. But, of course, […]
Getting better at a ‘Green’ Christmas (Dec18)
Christmas decorations at home – including reindeer made from recycled bolts and springs and motorbike and lemon Christmas trees My son Connor led the way to a greener Christmas. He had some inspiring ideas, from wrapping presents in ‘Who Gives A Crap’ loo paper wrappers, to creating re-usable Christmas gift boxes, that will come again […]
Watching ‘Blue’ made people angry (Dec18)
It was difficult to decide which part of the film made me more angry. High on the the list were the scenes cutting the fins from living sharks and throwing them back into the sea. I think the film said that 60 million sharks are killed for their fins each year – but looking it […]
Blue Planet effect is reducing litter?
A man in the audience for one of my speeches on plastic came up with a rather surprising fact. He was a morning walker – and over a number of years had been an avid litter picker during his daily excursions. He told us that he’d seen a dramatic decline in the number of plastic […]
CHASE Africa empowers women through family planning (Nov18)
“I’m not a great supporter of aid in Africa. I’m much keener on getting things done on the ground through small and effective organisations. CHASE Africa is one of those. They have small overheads and a great mission. Tackling family planning, particularly in conservation areas, has a multitude of benefits for individuals, communities and the […]