Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Biomimicry – sustainable solutions (Sept12)

I’m a great fan of Michael Pawlyn – from Exploration Architecture.  I love his ideas and thinking.  And so was keen to attend his Lignacite lecture at the Royal College of Physicians.  Michael’s key theme is ‘biomimicry’ and his most recent book is ‘Biomimicry in Architecture‘ .  And his speech was full of examples of how nature can provide us with sustainable solutions. The objectives, he says are to:

– Aim for radical increases in resource efficiency
– Shift from linear to closed loop systems
–  Shift from a fossil-fuel economy to a solar economy.

One of the main projects that Michael’s working on is the Sahara Forest Project, which is a pioneering scheme aiming to turn the desert green. It includes a pilot project using seawater greenhouses and concentrated solar power.

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