Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer

Blog coming alive again! (Nov14)

My blog is coming alive again.  It’s been asleep for quite some time, in part because I had a problem with my Google account.  This means that blogs over the next couple of months may be in slightly erratic order – covering recent things, as well as things from the past 18 months.

Since I last wrote anything in my blog, I’ve got married – see photo.  I’ve been living in Hooke in Dorset, carrying out major renovation works both inside and outside of the house.
And I’ve been helping Haller, the African charity, I co-founded in 2004, develop it’s strategy.  This month Haller is launching it’s new App:
The Haller Farmers App is an exciting new web-based smartphone App. It contains basic and sustainable agricultural techniques for smallholder farmers.