Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Carrier bags – Fact sheet and video – (Apr08)

M&S took a lead in charging for carrier bags and have subsequently reduced the amount handed out by a staggering 80%.  My view is that this is a good initiative but that the issue of carrier bags has been given far too much attention, given the relatively small impact they have.

Early in 2008 I was asked by M&S to write a briefing paper on carrier bags, which they published on their website -featured below or available to view or download via this link  [pdf-embedder url=”https://juliahailes.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/julia_leafletV5.pdf”].   They also recorded a video podcast of me talking about the subject.  Unfortunately, I can’t track this down (Oct18), so it’s got lost in the ether!

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