Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer



Julia Hailes

Stop Destroying Bembridge (Jul24)

Is all housing good housing? I think not. Look what’s happening in Bembridge on the Isle of Wight. Building has already started on 58 new homes on green field sites

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Agriculture run off
Julia Hailes

Swimming in sewage (Aug22)

I was very surprised to be told by the Environment Agency that no-one should be swimming in UK rivers because they were too polluted. My son and a couple of

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Julia Hailes

Project Dirt Judging (Jun12)

Timberland Earthkeepers Grant are providing grants to grassroots community projects.   Set up by Project Dirt it’s the third year that I’ve been on the judging panel.   Deadline for

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Incredible Edible was amazing (May11)

They’ve planted corn on the cob outside the police station. They’re lettuces in rose beds. And tomatoes on waste land.  There’s even vegetables planted by school children in the graveyard.  Incredible

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