Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


TV Clips of Julia Hailes talking about The Young Green Consumer Guide published in 1990

One of the things that surprised us was that the style of The Young Green Consumer Guide, with illustrations and simple language, was very appealing to adults! The book encouraged children to challenge their parents, as well as businesses, on what they were doing to be green – and help them to understand how these issues affects their everyday lives. In the book, we explained how to carry out an environmental audit of your school and launched a Green School competition. I remember that the children from the winning entry managed to save their school five thousand pounds a year by getting them to turn the heating off at night, when no-one was there!

I was interviewed by Ulrika Johnson who was at that time a weather girl – she was trying out her skills as a presenter!

The Young Green Consumer Guide was published around the world, but was a particular hit in Canada, where it sold over 100,000 copies.

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