Our Wilding Weekend Was Wonderful! (Jun23)
It was tremendously exciting to get such positive feedback from visitors to our Wilding Weekend – some were ecstatic. It wasn’t just about the wilding we’ve done – they loved
It was tremendously exciting to get such positive feedback from visitors to our Wilding Weekend – some were ecstatic. It wasn’t just about the wilding we’ve done – they loved
It comes from the Fine Bedding Company. It is made of 100% post-consumer waste.
Most people complain that their husband / male partner, doesn’t help enough with the washing up. Mine does too much! He’s obsessive about it. This means he gets up early
Sometimes you hear something on the radio which makes you cringe. Just before Christmas this happened… A woman rang the radio programme to say that something dreadful had happened. What
Filln’away – essentially means fill the balloons and chuck the whole gas canister away afterwards – as well as leaving balloon waste to wash up on the beach
My speech went down the plug hole! I spent ages preparing my speech. Had an inspirational idea on how to pull it together. And, I thought it was pretty good
I’ve often been asked for top tips in greening your home. One of my best suggestions is to ‘make friends with your heating controls’, because if you don’t you’ll be
The huge grabber hand plunged into the pile of e-waste waiting below. You could see irons, toasters, kettles, hairdryers – all sorts of household electrical detritus on its way to
My article on eco-renovation was published in the House & Home section of the FT on 21st April, 2012. It’s explains how I set about greening my London flat –
I’ve sat on P&G’s Expert Advisory Panel for Babycare since is started a few years ago. The fourth meeting was held in June in Geneva and had several new participants.