Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Media & Communications

Julia Hailes

Gay Times – Peter Tatchell (Sep07)

One of three interviews I did for the Gay Times – Peter Tatchell. See also Paul O-Grady and Kristin Digby  With piles of paper balanced precariously almost to the ceiling (it

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Julia Hailes

Gay Times – I interviewed Paul O’Grady – aka Lily Savage (Sep07)

“I’ve never known anyone make so much fuss about three light bulbs” Paul said as we laughed uproariously in his kitchen.  I’d pointed out that there were more lights in just half his kitchen than Peter Tatchell had in his whole flat.  Then I saw more lighting above the aga.  “Only one” Paul says.  So I peered underneath the mantel and discovered there were three!

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Julia Hailes

Mostly at Waterloo (Jun07)

Started the day by signing 50 copies of The New Green Consumer Guide at Pearl Fisher’s offices near Hammersmith. I have formed a loose alliance with this design company, who

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Julia Hailes

On Air and Hair (May07)

After 10 consecutive radio interviews I began to wonder whether I was talking complete gibbberish! The BBC regional stations phone into the studio in 10 minute slots – some for

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Julia Hailes

Photos in the bath! (May07)

I’ve never been tempted to be a film star – for a start I’m no good at either acting or singing. But I’ve now discovered there’s another star quality that

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