Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Speeches & Events

Morgan Stanley Testimonial (Nov09)

“Just a quick thank you for your talk yesterday.  It hit just the right note!  Have had some great feedback from several attendees.” Jean-Philippe Pare, Vice President (Nov07)

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CAOBISCO Sustainability Round Table (Sept09)

“Julia Hailes ignited the CAOBISCO Sustainability Round Table with her incisive observations and commentary. Her experience and mastery of her subject gave valuable insights to the mainly business audience from

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EDANA Conference (Sept09)

“With her somewhat challenging lateral thinking and, ‘out of the box’ approach, Julia Hailes has brought to our audience and our industry the useful element of destabilisation it needed to

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Food Innovation (Sep09)

The Food Ethics Council Business Forum meeting focussed on radical innovation.  I was chairing the session with a presentation from Sander Mager, Programme Manager at the groundbreaking Dutch technology incubator

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Julia Hailes

Business in the Community (May09)

“Julia has an infectious personality which makes her a mesmorising speaker. Her speech at BITC’s May day summit was compelling, yet told in a really engaging and humorous way. Julia’s

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Julia Hailes

P & G Earthday (Apr09)

“Let me thank you for a really great and inspirational presentation at P&G Earthday in Geneva.  We keep getting positive feedback about you and in particular from the lunch session,

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