Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Tourism & Holidays

Copsa Mare
Julia Hailes

No Fence Farming in Romania (May23)

We cycled for over 100 miles and didn’t go through a gate.  The Transylvanian landscape was without fences, hedges, or ditches.   Travelling by train across Europe to get to

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Julia Hailes

Rubbish In Indonesia (Mar23)

It felt like Armageddon.  We went on a ‘nature bike ride’, but the trip highlights were piles and piles of rubbish.  Plastic bottles, old flip flops, a child’s shoe, fishing

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Agriculture run off
Julia Hailes

Swimming in sewage (Aug22)

I was very surprised to be told by the Environment Agency that no-one should be swimming in UK rivers because they were too polluted. My son and a couple of

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Costa Rica
Julia Hailes

Pura Vida Costa Rica (Apr22)

Having successfully navigated a rapid as we rafted away from Pacuare Lodge in Central Costa Rica, we put our oars together and joined our guide in a celebratory shout of

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