The Secret Life of Stuff (Jan11)
Julie Hill thought I’d be uncomfortable with her view that we’ve had enough of green consumerism, where people are left to choose to be green or not. What we want, she says, is more ‘choice editing’. That effectively means that businesses and retailers only offer products that have a minimal environmental impact or are deemed to […]
P&G Speeches and Earthday events (Apr09 & Jun07)
I’ve spoken at a couple of P&G Earthday events aimed at promoting greater awareness amongst their staff. “Let me thank you for a really great and inspirational presentation at P&G Earthday in Geneva.” Apr09 – Sustainability and recession… In June 2007, I gave an internal presentation to P&G staff titled ‘What’s the future of green washing?’. When researching The […]
M&S Packaging fact sheets for consumers (Dec08)
Public concern about over-packaging so often misses the point that we should be looking at how to reduce the environmental impact of producing, distributing, storing, selling and consuming food, rather than the amount of packaging waste we have to throw away. Consider the fact that overall the carbon emissions from wasted packaging is one tenth […]