Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Baby care products (Jun11)

I first got involved in the debate about disposable nappies vs re-usables in the early 1990s. The comparisons were being made in eco-labelling research and I was sitting on the UK Eco-Labelling Board.  The over-whelming concern about disposables was the amount of waste they produce.  Local authorities have teamed up with campaigning organisations to encourage […]

P & G 4th Expert Baby Care Advisory Group (Jun11)

I’ve sat on P&G’s Expert Advisory Panel for Babycare since is started a few years ago.  The fourth meeting was held in June in Geneva and had several new participants.   Most interesting to me was the new focus of looking at nappies and baby care in developing countries.  Also the innovations that are coming through.  […]

P&G Leaflet on Disposable Nappies (Jan11)

One of the most difficult eco-decisions I’ve had to make is whether to use cloth or disposable nappies.  I chose disposables.  Given that I’m a big campaigner on reducing waste, this might seem surprising.  But my view was that the environmental differences between the two products were not so great – and disposables performed better.  […]

The Secret Life of Stuff (Jan11)

Julie Hill thought I’d be uncomfortable with her view that we’ve had enough of green consumerism, where people are left to choose to be green or not.  What we want, she says, is more ‘choice editing’. That effectively means that businesses and retailers only offer products that have a minimal environmental impact or are deemed to […]

Fact sheet on disposable nappies (Nov10)

One of the most difficult eco-decisions I’ve had to make is whether to use cloth or disposable nappies.  I chose disposables.  Given that I’m a big campaigner on reducing waste, this might seem surprising.  But my view was that the environmental differences between the two products were not so great – and disposables performed better.  […]

Trade Associations – Aise & Edana (Jun08 / Sep09)

  P&G are members of numerous trade associations.  A couple of them asked me to speak at their annual conferences. In June 2008,  AISE  – the European Soaps & Detergents Manufacturer’s trade association invited me to speak at their conference, which was being held near Dubrovnik in Croatia.  The feedback was that my presentation was […]

Food Ethics in practice! (Apr07)

Was rather flustered arriving at my first Food Ethics Council (www.foodethicscouncil.org) meeting and finding no-one in the allocated meeting room at University College London. It transpired that the meeting had moved across the road – and I hadn’t picked up the last minute change on my email. When I heard why the meeting room had […]