Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Cycling to school (May09)

Photo was taken in 2007 – not on the way to school… It’s brilliant. I’ve started cycling to my son’s school in the morning – and back. Rollo and Monty got me going. They decided that they wanted to run to school along the lanes. I was rather surprised to see how far they got […]

Christmas tree alternative! (Dec08)

  I got an email asking me whether I thought an artificial Christmas tree or a natural one would be the greenest option. I said that I thought an artificial one – made from plastic – would be better environmentally, if you re-used it year after year. But I’ve never gone that route. (I’ve now […]

‘Rollo’ the snake (April07)

My children seem to have a social life to rival Paris Hilton. I simply have to arrange how they get to and from friends house and how many I need to cater for at home. Picking up Rollo, my middle son, a few days ago, I learnt that he wanted to get a snake as […]

Walking in the woods (Apr07)

I haven’t seen much of the sunny Spring weather over Easter but did manage a lovely walk on Lewesden Hill, outside Stoke Abbott in Dorset. Wonderful beech trees – and one of the had a rope for Connor (my eldest son) and his friend Josh to swing out over the trees. It looked quite scary. […]