Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Welcome to our Wilding Weekend (Jun22)

Find out more about what’s happening at our Wilding Weekend. How it started, who is involved, who will be here and the schedule of talks etc.

Comment Section

3 Responses

  1. Thank you to all the team at Hooke Farm for a really inspiring day and delicious lunch.
    I was particularly impressed by the Bee Conservation Trust stand. It was through engaging with them, that I learnt of the bee safaris at Lytes Cary and that was another really worthwhile morning.
    I shall look forward to coming again in 2023.
    With best wishes for your future projects,
    Mary-Clare Rodwell

  2. Hello Julia my name is John cave and I live in Merriott do you still require people for car parking for this event I am available if you need someone thanks

    1. Hi John, I’m afraid that we’re sorted for car parking – and even for garden help. However, we may well be looking for help in the garden for later in the Summer. Please email me directly, if you think you might be interested – julia@juliahailes.com. Thanks. Julia

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