I’ve bought an eco-duvet (aug18)
It comes from the Fine Bedding Company. It is made of 100% post-consumer waste.
It comes from the Fine Bedding Company. It is made of 100% post-consumer waste.
The plastic-free phenomenon is everywhere… I was walking between meetings in Soho and came across a shop front with all its windows showing art installations of our disposable plastics culture
The town hall in Bridport was full with an expectant crowd. Organised by the Transition Town network in Bridport, as part of their Green Fortnight, everyone had come to hear
The phone was ringing, the dog was barking and the builder was wanting my attention – when I was connected live to the BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine show (11jan18).
I was rather impressed by the Environment Agencies initiatives to reduce waste – as relayed to an audience pulled together by the Raw Foundation, at Bristol’s Create Centre. Did you
I’ve done a lot of speaking and writing about plastic bags! I’ve even written a poem on the subject, for one speech I made. Which? asked me to give
Having been on the programme in 2011 talking about plastic bags, I was asked back to talk about vests. The show had seen a comment I’d made in the Daily
I’ve been on a number of Radio 5 Live Programmes including: Anita Anand Show – as a panellist throughout the evening Richard Bacon Show talking about bottled water and plastic
Regional radio highlights include: Radio Solent Somerset Sound: Have been a regular guest Steve Rhodes Show for BBC 3 Counties Radio: talking about M&S decision to start charging for carrier
Between 2008 and 2010 I sat on a expert advisory panel on packaging at M&S. This was run by Rowland Hill, Helene Roberts and Mark Caul from M&S. Other panel