Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer



I was excited to join the board of the Big Yellow in March 2020 to ‘provide oversight regarding their strategic environmental objectives, with deliverable targets’.  Sadly, my approach does not chime with the executive board and I’ve decided to resign.

Perhaps I was too ambitious in hoping to help Big Yellow become an exemplar in sustainable warehouse development, creating a model that others could follow. The company is run with tremendous efficiency and I very much hope that, despite my departure, they will continue down the environmental path we started. In particular, I’ll be very interested to see the expansion of solar panels on Big Yellow rooftops. 

My time on the board was predominantly spent on Zoom, so I’m sorry that I won’t be able to develop a more personal relationship with the other board members.  

What next?  Hopefully, I’ll find another company that will embrace my committed approach!

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0 Responses

  1. I do wish that farmers in Dorset stop selling up to solar park developers. The irony is that it provides power to the city folk who also dictate how to preserve the environment and countryside.

    1. Hi Richard, I think you meant to post this in my previous blog – Farmers Must STOP Killing Earth! I can’t change its location, but if you re-post the comment, I’ll delete it from here. Julia

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