Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Biomimicry – sustainable solutions (Sept12)

I’m a great fan of Michael Pawlyn – from Exploration Architecture.  I love his ideas and thinking.  And so was keen to attend his Lignacite lecture at the Royal College of Physicians.  Michael’s key theme is ‘biomimicry’ and his most recent book is ‘Biomimicry in Architecture‘ .  And his speech was full of examples of […]

Eco-flat rented! (May12)

My eco-rented flat near Portobello Rd has been rented.  See FT article, I wrote about it Like all properties that are being sold or let, I had to have an Energy Performance Certificate carried out.  I was horrified by the first one that I had done because it was totally inaccurate – and didn’t reflect […]

FT Article written on Eco-renovating London flat (Apr12)

My article on eco-renovation was published in the House & Home section of the FT on 21st April, 2012.  It’s explains how I set about greening my London flat – and the challenges I faced, despite being an eco-expert – see below for the original copy as written, followed by a pdf of what was […]

National Trust – Forever for Everyone Sustainable Business Workshop (Jul11)

What a brilliant slogan – Forever For Everyone.   I was one of two outside speakers at the National Trust’s sustainability workshop, which was looking at how to make this slogan mean something across the whole organisation.   Whilst the Trust has superb examples of sustainability in practice, they’re looking at what they might do across the whole […]

Interface Carpets – Tomorrow’s Natural Business (Jul11)

Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface Carpets radically changed his approach to business in 1994, after reading The Ecology of Commerce by Paul Hawkens.   I went to a workshop at Interface hosted by Andy Middleton from Tyf.  Entitled ‘Tomorrow’s Natural Business’, the workshop aimed to show how biomimicry could be used as a template for creating organisations fit for a different […]

Eco-Renovating London Flat (Jan11)

  I’ve started eco-renovating my London flat.  It’s been rented out since 1995 but needs sprucing up.  I’ve employed architect Jerry Tate , who specialises in bringing ‘buildings and nature closer together’.  In this case it means lots of insulation, inspirational energy and water-saving ideas and including as much recycled materials as possible.  I’ll be up-dating my […]

My goldfish died along with Labour – Here’s my coalition manifesto (May10)

  Zac Goldsmith, formerly editor of the Ecologist, gets elected in Richmond   Chris Huhne – New Minster for Energy and Environment   Caroline Lucas – the first Green MP in the UK   My goldfish died in the night. I’ve posthumously named him ‘Gordon’. It seems rather propitious that their floundering exit coincided. And […]

Yarlington Housing (Mar10)

I was the key note speaker at the Yarlington Housing Annual meeting, held in Yeovil, which is close to where I live.   The organisation had a number of sustainability initiatives but hadn’t yet managed to fully integrate the principles into their housing developments.

Big Green Home Show (Oct09)

“I had to drop you a line to say ‘a huge thank-you’ to you for being such a fantastic guest speaker – you were absolutely superb!…. You made a very inspiring speech and I would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending you to other event organisers as a guest speaker on eco or renovation matters […]

Energy Monitoring Gizmos (Jan08)

TRIED AND TESTED – ENERGY MONITORS Energy Monitors don’t directly save you energy – but they should help you work out where you’re wasting it around the house and so cut back. I reduced by electricity bill by a quarter, when I got one – which more than paid back the cost of the monitor. […]