Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Moshi Moshi support sustainable fishing (Jun18)

I first came across Moshi Moshi over a decade ago. A Japanese restaurant run by Caroline Bennett, they’re at the forefront of restaurants supporting sustainable fish.  My husband, Jamie Macdonald, has recently co-invested in an artisan fishing trawler with Nick Fisher, who co-wrote the Fish Cook Book with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.  One of their first commercial […]

Christmas cringe over disposable baking tray (Dec16)

 Sometimes you hear something on the radio which makes you cringe.  Just before Christmas this happened… A woman rang the radio programme to say that something dreadful had happened.  What calamity could this be?  It was that she’d forgotten to buy a disposable baking tray for roasting the  Christmas turkey… Aaaargh… Even more sickening to […]

Why aren’t restaurants more sustainable? (Oct11)

Bluefin tuna is one of the most endangered species on the planet but it’s still being served in London restaurants.   Monkfish is not very sustainable either – if it’s on the menu, ask the restaurant about their sustainable fish policies     The Hive Beach Cafe in Burton Bradstock is one of the first […]

Is Rick Stein’s fish sustainably sourced? (Sep09)

Last weekend I went to Padstow. This fishing port is best known for its association with Rick Stein, who appears to own half of the businesses in the town from his eponymous restaurant, fish & chip shop and deli to a local pub, bistro and patisserie. Predictably there was no space for a last minute […]

An inconvenient truth about fish – The End of the Line (Jun09)

A fish collapse. 90% of the big fish are gone. The global fishing capacity is big enough to catch four times more fish than actually exist in the sea. We’ve just squandered one of the greatest resources on the planet – wild fish. The End of the Line leaves one in no doubt about the […]

A McDonald’s experience (Apr07)

I thought I’d do a bit of comparison on fuel efficiency between the UK and the US. Went to Heathrow in an 8-seater vehicle – it was on its way to collect a large group. But at 36mpg even that was less thirsty than the flashy black Lincoln that collected me from Chicago’s O’Hare airport […]

McDonalds responds well to Greenpeace (Mar07)

I haven’t been the greatest fan of McDonalds in the past but was impressed with their response to Greenpeace’s campaign in 2006 on soya used in chicken feed coming from newly cleared rainforest.  So I went to Naples to give a presentation to McDonalds European Management Team on sustainability issues.  This trip was covered in […]