2007 Video of Julia talking about how we can all make a difference
The New Green Consumer Guide, written by me, was published in 2007, nearly 20 years on from the original Green Consumer Guide, which I co-wrote with John Elkington. This video shows me talking about how and why I started my green career – and why green consumerism is a powerful force for change.
But pretty nearly. What a pity. These beautiful paper mâché, seed-shaped coffins are gorgeous. They’re also a pretty good eco-option, as they’re made from recycled newspapers and magazines. I’ve been planning on having one for years – I particularly like the gold ones. This month I decided to bite the bullet and get one. […]
TV Clip from ‘Kilroy’ with recognisable faces! (1989)
I was amazed to discover this edition of Kilroy in my archives. I remember doing it but I didn’t remember how many well known people were participating. Stephen Fry looking very young but who sadly doesn’t speak. Imran Khan who was a prominent man about town at the time – and is now President of […]
Green Consumer Compilation – TV Clips with Julia Hailes from 1988-90
Many people will be surprised to know how much interest there was about green consumerism in the late 80s and early 1990s. It was kicked off by the publication of The Green Consumer Guide, co-authored by myself and John Elkington, in 1988. The book had 11 print runs in the first month, shot to the […]
TV Clips of Julia Hailes – Green Consumer Compilation from 1988/1989/1990 (posted Nov20)
Many people will be surprised to know how much interest there was about green consumerism in the late 80s and early 1990s. It was kicked off by the publication of The Green Consumer Guide, co-authored by myself and John Elkington, in 1988. The book had 11 print runs in the first month, shot to the […]
The Green Consumer Guide & Week Green Consumer Week TV Clips with Julia Hailes 1988
Published in 1989 ‘Green Consumer’s Supermarket Shopping Guide’ was written by John Elkington and myself – Julia Hailes. It was launched on our ‘Green Shopping Day’. When I was researching The Green Consumer Guide, none of the supermarkets had a clue about ‘green products’. When I asked them what environmental things they were doing they […]
TV Clips of Julia Hailes talking about The Young Green Consumer Guide published in 1990
One of the things that surprised us was that the style of The Young Green Consumer Guide, with illustrations and simple language, was very appealing to adults! The book encouraged children to challenge their parents, as well as businesses, on what they were doing to be green – and help them to understand how these […]
1989 Video of Julia Hailes on BBC Nine O’Clock News launching ‘Green Shopping Day”.
Green Shopping Day was organised by Julia Hailes and John Elkington from SustainAbility, to launch their second green consumer book – The Green Consumer’s Supermarket Shopping Guide. At the time there was some controversy about the idea of encouraging people to buy products with less environmental impact, rather than simply reducing consumption. This video from […]
TV clips CFCs and the ozone layer – 1988/89 Julia Hailes campaigning for ozone-friendly aerosols etc (Posted Nov20)
The campaign to remove CFCs from aerosols was one of the most successful that I’ve been involved with. In the late 1980s, the link between chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and the destruction of the ozone layer was made. However, it took a while to convince the industry that this was a real problem. I remember giving a […]
Julia Hailes talking about organic produce (1989 Approx)
Organic produce was quite a niche market in the 1980s. I remember talking to a group of enthusiasts about getting it into the supermarkets and they were decidedly unenthusiastic about the idea. There was quite a purist approach and they didn’t want it to become too commercialised. I couldn’t disagree more. There may be some […]