Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Speeches & Events

Speaking on Plastics – (May18)

The town hall in Bridport was full with an expectant crowd. Organised by the Transition Town network in Bridport, as part of their Green Fortnight, everyone had come to hear

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Julia Hailes

Speaking in Istanbul (Oct12)

My second speaking engagement in Istanbul.  I was invited to speak at Green Business Turkey 2012.  The brilliant thing about this is that the event showed that many Turkish businesses

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Julia Hailes

Women in Action (Sep12)

Melinda Watson and I travelled to Corby, not knowing what to expect for the Women in Action event, organised by Planet Aid.  We arrived to music and a fashion show

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Julia Hailes

Speaking at Ashridge (jun12)

Ashridge Business School –  booked me to come and talk to their MsC students, who are taking a 2 year masters in ‘sustainability’ and ‘responsibility’.   The programme was aimed at

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