Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer

Haller in the Horn of Africa (Jul11)

I got a very encouraging email this week.   It was from Louise Piper, director of Haller – an organisation I helped to set up nearly 10 years ago.   As follows:

“In light of the extensive media coverage on the drought faced in the Horn of Africa, and some very harrowing footage of barren landscapes in Northern Kenya which depict families in great distress, I wanted to let you know that water conservation projects you have funded at Haller have ensured that the communities we work with are not in the same situation.
The drought is clearly of great concern for the region as a whole – but despite the reduced rain fall, the water harvesting techniques the communities have learned has ensured that the rain fed dams contain enough water for them to continue to farm. The dams and wells they now have access to will have  great impact in the second half of the year enabling them to continue to grow enough food to support themselves until the next rains are due in November.”
Clearly, the work that Haller has done ‘releasing potential’ has made an enormous difference to the communities involved.