Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Too many boardrooms are climate incompetent (Feb21)

Very interested to see this FT article lamenting the lack of directors with expertise in climate and ESG issues.   I am proud of what I managed to achieve during my short tenure as a NED at Big Yellow.  This was not done simply by suggesting a Net Zero target by a certain date, but by backing […]


I was excited to join the board of the Big Yellow in March 2020 to ‘provide oversight regarding their strategic environmental objectives, with deliverable targets’.  Sadly, my approach does not chime with the executive board and I’ve decided to resign. Perhaps I was too ambitious in hoping to help Big Yellow become an exemplar in […]

Turning the Big Yellow green

I’ve just been appointed a board member of FTSE 250 company The Big Yellow Self Storage!  I’ll be chairing the new Board Sustainability Committee and am looking forward to seeing how I can help turn The Big Yellow green…  In 2007 I gave the key note speech at the Self Storage Association annual meeting. Had […]