Sealed Air Conference in Paris (Sep18)
“Your speech was very well received by the audience and you definitely challenged us to think differently about the challenges ahead of us. Of the speakers, you came out top in terms of appreciation and relevance.” Stephanie Poole, Senior Marketing Manager, EMEA – Convenience Foods and VPP Food Care
Ideas for greener tourism in Myanmar [Relevant to other countries too] (Apr18)

There are over 3,000 temples in Bagan… Aureum Palace Hotel in Bagan claimed that 99% of clients want their sheets changed daily “99% of people like to have their bed linen changed at hotels at least once a day”. Really? I wondered how this assertion could be validated. But, I haven’t been able to respond […]
Speech disaster to Bathroom Manufacturers… (Oct16)
My speech went down the plug hole! I spent ages preparing my speech. Had an inspirational idea on how to pull it together. And, I thought it was pretty good on the day! But apparently the audience – at least most of them – were not so impressed. And the Bathroom Manufacturer’s Association – the […]
Meeting Giraffe (Nov12)

80% of all product related environmental impacts happen at the design phase. That’s key to Giraffe’s work. Melinda Watson and I, with our E for Good hats on, went to talk to Rob Holdway and Celena Fernandez about e-waste issues. We discovered that we had a lot in common. Rob was involved in creating the […]
Which? on plastic bags (Aug12)

I’ve done a lot of speaking and writing about plastic bags! I’ve even written a poem on the subject, for one speech I made. Which? asked me to give them an expert view for an article in entitled ‘Plastic bags at breaking point‘. As well as being interviewed on the topic, I wrote a […]
Setting up E For Good (Apr12)

Along with Melinda Watson from the Raw Foundation, I’ve set up E For Good. We’re the first consumer-facing organisation targeting e-waste from an environmental life-cycle perspective. Our aims are to reduce the amount of e-waste, promote repair and reuse and recycle the rest, as efficiently as possible. We’re working with Environcom, an e-waste company, who […]
Clear Out electricals week in Grantham and Stamford (Mar12)
The aim of Clear Out Electricals Week, which took place in Grantham and Stamford from 12th – 18th March, 2012 was to try out E for Good’s ideas for collecting e-waste and raising awareness about it’s impacts. We chose to work in two Lincolnshire towns because of their proximity to Environcom, the e-waste company we […]
BBC world service – Greening Christmas (Dec11)
My top tips for less waste at Christmas included planning menus carefully to reduce food waste; re-gifting unwanted presents and collecting everyone else’s wrapping paper to use again. The interview was aired on BBC World Service for Christmas 2011.
We need more computer re-use (Aug11)
We travelled up to Arnos Grove – an area of London I’d never been to before. My companion was Melinda Watson, who has set up the E-Waste Campaign with me. We’d arranged to look round the office and depot of Computer Aid. The factory floor was piled high with computer parts – hard drives, circuit […]
Green Mobile Company Lives and Dies – C Mobile (Jun11)
C Mobile promised a greener approach to using your mobile phone. Their idea was to give a proportion of their profits to community renewable energy projects, to minimise waste, offer re-conditioned hand-sets and recycle phones wherever possible. Unfortunately they both launched and folded in 2010 and 2011 – they weren’t able to keep up with the big […]