Julia Hailes MBE

Sustainability Pioneer


Dorset Life interviews me! (Jun23)

I loved being described as ‘probably the most effective person you’ve never heard of’! I wondered if it was too flattering for me to post the article or promote it in any way. But I overcame my doubts, and here is the Dorset Life article about my life! It not only covers the forthcoming Wilding […]

Wild about Wilding (Jan23)

We organised the very first Wilding Weekend in June 2022, at our home in West Dorset. It was also the first garden opened through the National Garden Scheme (NGS) that was included primarily for its ‘wilding’ rather than for beautiful borders, impeccably mown lawns and other attributes of more traditional gardens. The next Wilding Weekend […]

Pura Vida Costa Rica (Apr22)

Having successfully navigated a rapid as we rafted away from Pacuare Lodge in Central Costa Rica, we put our oars together and joined our guide in a celebratory shout of ‘Pura Vida’. Literally the pure or natural life. Leaving the lodge, we started the trip in a relatively narrow gorge, the rocks on either side […]

My Green Life (May21)

When I was a baby my brother painted me green.. Perhaps a sign of what was to come. And the start of my Zoom speech on ‘My Green Life’. I also talk about: Setting up SustainAbility Ltd, with John Elkington, in 1987 The global success of ‘The Green Consumer Guide’, published in 1988 Becoming a […]

Turning the Big Yellow green

I’ve just been appointed a board member of FTSE 250 company The Big Yellow Self Storage!  I’ll be chairing the new Board Sustainability Committee and am looking forward to seeing how I can help turn The Big Yellow green…  In 2007 I gave the key note speech at the Self Storage Association annual meeting. Had […]

Second Nature Advisory Board (Oct12)

I sit on the Advisory board of Second Nature – their mission is making sustainability ‘second nature’ for the organisations they work with.  Charles Perry and Mark Griffiths are the company’s founders – and they have a lot of experience between them, with particular emphasis on business strategy  and expertise in energy, built-environment, clean tech […]

Skydiving to raise money for Haller (Jun12)

Not me!  My son is planning a sky dive to support Haller.   He will be free falling at 130 miles per hour from 10,000 feet.  I’m glad it’s not me.   Haller is a charity that I co-founded – it supports sustainable communities in Africa, with programmes in water, farming, education, health, alternative energy […]

I co-founded SustainAbility – and it’s 25! (Apr12)

John Elkington has posted a blog about why we started SustainAbility.  It describes us meeting in 1986 and setting up the consultancy / think tank in 1987.  Twenty-five years on SustainAbility is hosting a celebration and inviting everyone who has been involved with the company in the interim.  I’m going to participate but won’t recognise […]

Newcastle University MBA Sustainability Challenge (Jun11)

Procter & Gamble recommended me for the inaugural public lecture at Newcastle University’s Sustainable Business Week, where MBA Business students from Scotland and Northern took part in a competition.  The central theme was about the role of consumers in greening business. The students had to respond to a question posed by P&G – ‘How can our company influence […]

Futerra Sustainability Communications (Jun11)

I went to give a presentation to the team at Futerra.   It made me reflect on the early years of SustainAbility – the organisations are remarkably similar.  And the most surprising similarity of all was that we both came up with the same core objectives.  When we set up SustainAbility, in the late 1980s, John Elkington and I described these as […]